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Growing up in Oklahoma, America’s Midwest, I saw firsthand the results of Mother Nature’s terrible might when tornadoes touched down.…
Behold! Oh ye married people, this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip inside the mind of your single and midsingle friends! While…
After spending half a lifetime surrounded by some of the best athletes in the world, I've learned quite a bit…
While siting in a seminar recently that delightfully I was able to just listen to instead of speaking at the…
// As an American bobsled competitor and returned missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, beloved speaker…
Having written two books now with a third on it's way, I am intimately familiar with that wonderful demon of…
A recent encounter with a bump in the road (aka "adversity") in the pursuit of one of my goals, for…
*Note: This essay is the second of seven authored by Jeremy for the LDS Midsingle (31-45+) community. The opinions and…