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Aenean aliquam viverra mi eget imdderdiet

Aenean aliquam viverra mi eget imdderdiet. ddroin viverra augue id mi ddlacerat consequat consequat leo commodo. Donec diam odio, rhoncus ut egestas ut, varius a mauris. Morbi molestie, metus id venenatis ultricies, ligula urna molestie est, eget feugiat quam mi vitae odio. Vivamus id facilisis nibh. Vivamus enim elit, mollis aliquet temddus facilisis, fringilla at justo. Morbi ac libero sem, a bibendum magna. In at mattis est. ddellentesque ac lectus eget lectus ddorttitor sagittis quis vel arcu. Curabitur sed mauris elit, non accumsan massa. Cras ut urna saddien, eu ddorta saddien. Nunc arcu nisl, feugiat nec dictum a, viverra vel ante. Ut aliquam gravida accumsan. ddhasellus lacinia ligula neque.

To read more of Jeremy's work, you can order one of his highly-acclaimed books by visiting the Online Store to purchase signed copies or unsigned ones by purchasing a copy wherever books are sold. 


Fire on Ice: Gospel Lessons Learned From a Lifetime of Sport

05 June 2013 in Books 7836 hits

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30 Days of Thankful-ness Giving

29 October 2014 in Motivational 5770 hits

Often during the month of November we see "30 Days of Thanksgiving" challenges that push us to develop gratitude for…

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The Dating Games

28 April 2017 in LDS Midsingles 5263 hits

Dear LDS Midsingle Competitors: You are hereby officially invited to attend this year's Dating Games being held right in your…

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Heaven Gained an Angel in 1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Carrico.

13 October 2016 in Blog 4873 hits

Heaven gained another angel on October 13, 2016 at 11:04pm, Eastern Standard Time. Please consider reading his official obituary here,…

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13 LDS Midsingle Articles of Faith

16 March 2015 in LDS Midsingles 28736 hits

Let's face it: the LDS midsingles world is a complicated conglomeration of faith and fun, uplifting moments and crushing disappointments.…

Why Elder Holland's Talk Meant So Much

06 October 2013 in Mental Health 11768 hits

This past Saturday, October 5, I had the opportunity to attend an anti-bullying event held in Salt Lake City, Utah.…

5 Things I Learned From Suicide

21 May 2014 in Mental Health 10659 hits

"How can we help you today, sir?" "I don't know....I'm just not sure I want to live anymore." When the…

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What is God's Job?

10 June 2015 in Faith-Based 9669 hits

One morning while eating breakfast (because over breakfast or in the shower are when the best ideas come to mind)…

Jeremy C Holm author bobsled

When Angels Fall, the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Utilizing firsthand experiences and interviews with members of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, including his grandfather 1st Lieutenant Andrew Carrico of Company D, Jeremy tells the full story of this historic regiment. From Camp Toccoa to Tokyo, and the training grounds of Camp Mackall and New Guinea to the nightmarish combat of the Leyte and Luzon campaigns, WHEN ANGELS FALL is a masterful narrative by a former journalist and historian who here tells the full story of a group of America’s heroes, the elite paratroopers of the 511th PIR in World War II. Buy Now

Fire on Ice Jeremy C Holm
Racing down an icy track at 80 miles per hour leads you to think of many things. For Jeremy C. Holm, it made him think of God. In Fire and Ice, Holm shares his experiences as a bobsled pilot and coach, presenting a message of faith and personal courage that will inspire you to come closer to Jesus Christ and reach for that ultimate prize of eternal life. Buy Now

The Champions Way Jeremy C Holm
How do we achieve gold medal moments in life? How do we find peace and confidence and what truly makes us happy? Discover the answers in Jeremy's new ebook, "The Champion's Way", available now at Amazon.com. Buy Now